Athletics » 2024-2025 Sports Registration and Physical Forms

2024-2025 Sports Registration and Physical Forms

Anyone who wishes to participate in any of the athletic programs offered at HHS and MHK must register. Registration is due on Genesis by the following dates. We will not be offering extensions.

All athletic registrations will be completed on the Genesis Parent Portal:  

  1. Sign in to the parent portal using your parent/guardian login.
  2. Click on “Forms”.
  3. Choose “HHS Sports Registration” or “MHK Sports Registration”.
  4. Choose a sport.
  5. Complete all release forms.
  6. Complete the Health History Update if applicable.
  7. You do not need to print any forms.  All information will be saved automatically.  If you return to the “Forms” page you will see a check mark and the date the form was completed. Please complete all questions, if you miss a question the form will not submit. 

Students registering for athletics must have a current physical examination on file in the nurse's office in order to participate. The pre-participation physical evaluation is good for one calendar year (365 days) and needs to be completed by a doctor on the paper form which can be found on the HHS and MHK registration webpage and linked below.